Friday, July 18, 2008

The Secret Garden

I work in boring stripmall/big box territory, but there is one oasis I can escape to on my lunch breaks. It's not really a secret garden, because lots of people go there, but it's a lovely spot to curl up and read a Victorian novel (currently working on Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and Daughters), and pretend that I don't hear the traffic passing by. Sometimes I even take a nap...

T-shirt - Uniqlo; Skirt, scarf - random stores in Tokyo; Leggings - tabio; Shoes - Rockport


Shay said...

that scarf is gorgeous!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That scarf if fanatastic. The shades of your outfit are lovely.
As for the film, I've only seen parts before, but I adore James Cagny and LOVE Jean Harlow (did a post on her once), so I don't see how I can't like the film!